ALICE FINE is the creation of Karin Alice Bjurström, a Stockholm-based textile artist and fashion designer. With a passion for sustainable craftsmanship, she combines artistry and nature to create vibrant, plant-dyed garments and interiors, all crafted with care and free from harmful chemicals. Focused on small-scale production and quality, Karin also shares her expertise through courses and custom dyeing services. Worldwide shipping brings the beauty of natural dyeing to wherever you are.
In 2024, Karin's book Plant Magic was released, blending traditional plant dyeing with modern techniques like batik, bundle dye, and botanical printing. The book teaches how to create vibrant patterns using natural pigments, with step-by-step guidance and 20 unique dye recipes. Encouraging experimentation and creativity, Plant Magic makes it easy to explore the art of natural dyeing—no right or wrong, just beautiful results.
Photo: Andy Liffner for Astrid Textile